Catalyst: Well + Worthy Breathwork Journeys

Catalyst Breathwork Journeys is an opportunity to seek a profound reconnection with yourself. An opportunity to harness the transformative power of your breath to cultivate a profound relationship with your physical, emotional, and sexual well-being.

Catalyst invites you to embark on a unique journey of self-exploration and empowerment, utilizing the art of revelation breathwork technique. Guided by Amber Smith a certified Revelation Breathwork Facilitator, you will learn to unlock the potential of your breath as a catalyst for healing, growth, and intimate self-discovery.

Key Discovery Opportunities: 

  • Discover the remarkable ability of conscious breath to connect your mind, body, and spirit. Learn how breathwork can serve as a catalyst to reclaim intimacy within yourself.
  • Embodied Presence: Dive into practices that help you inhabit your body fully, shedding the layers of disconnection and embracing an authentic connection with your physical form.
  • Emotional Liberation: Engage in breathwork techniques designed to release trapped emotions and old patterns, embodying emotional liberation and a deep sense of self-acceptance.
  • Sensuality and Sexuality: Explore the connection between breath, sensuality, and sexual well-being. Learn how to tap into your sensual essence and cultivate a healthier, more empowered relationship with your sexuality.
  • Inner Exploration: Journey within through weekly 30 minutes guided breathwork sessions and weekly introspective journaling exercises, allowing you to unearth your desires, aspirations, and true essence.
  • Self-Care Rituals: Develop a personalized toolkit of breathwork practices, mindfulness techniques, and self-care rituals that support your ongoing journey of intimacy and well-being.
  • Empowered Community: Immerse yourself in a supportive Voxer community of women who share similar aspirations, providing a safe space for sharing experiences, insights, and encouragement.

Catalyst Breathwork Journeys  is an opportunity to transform your relationship with yourself on every level. Through these intentional breathwork practices and guided experiences, you will embody on a transformative journey that leads to a more profound connection with your physical, emotional, and sexual health.

Join me on zoom every Thursday at 9:30 AM Pacific for 30 minutes we harness the power of the breath to awaken intimacy and authenticity within, guiding you toward a life filled with vitality, passion, and self-discovery. Your journey to inner connection and empowerment begins here.

** Weekly Practices will be recorded and uploaded to your portal along with the weekly introspective journaling exercises. Lifetime access as long as your are an active member of Catalyst. You will have access to Voxer Group to share insights, experiences, and receive support.**

4 Modules

Your journey begins here

I am A Catalyst

**Please Note If you are new: Before practicing any Catalyst Breathwork Journeys please view this video.  By participating in this breath work session you understand the breath technique, Common physical sensations, and Breathwork contraindications.**

Please watch Intro Video HERE

Being a catalyst of your transformation is like igniting a fire within your soul, propelling you towards the incredible person you're meant to be. It's about realizing that YOU have the power to steer your life in the direction of growth, positivity, and fulfillment. 

Imagine being that driving force that sparks change in your own life. It's about taking those small steps and courageous leaps, even when the path ahead seems daunting. Each decision you make, every goal you set, becomes a catalyst for a brighter future. 

 Embracing challenges as opportunities, failures as lessons, and setbacks as setups for comebacks. It's about nurturing a mindset that thrives on positivity, resilience, and unwavering belief in yourself. 

Remember, just like a tiny spark can ignite a roaring flame, your determination can create a blaze of transformation.  be the catalysts of our own metamorphosis.

Here's to embracing transformation with open hearts and minds.



"Within you lies the remarkable power to be the catalyst of your own transformation. Like a tiny spark that sets a wildfire ablaze, your choices and actions have the potential to ignite profound change. Embrace challenges as stepping stones, failures as valuable lessons, and setbacks as setups for your comeback. As you navigate this journey, remember that your mindset is the fuel that propels your evolution. Cultivate a garden of positivity, resilience, and unwavering self-belief. With each intentional step and courageous leap, you construct a path to the extraordinary person you're destined to become. So, stand tall, embrace the unknown, and let the fire of your transformation light up the world."

I am safe in my desires

Embrace your desires fearlessly, for within them lies the power to shape your most authentic and fulfilling journey. Safety is found in the unwavering trust you place in yourself.

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